Mayor Robert Balay
Email: mayorbalay@athabasca.ca
Phone: 780-327-9646
In 2017 Robert ran for Council serving his 1st term as Councillor and then successfully campaigned for the Mayor’s position in 2021.
Coming from a farming background, Robert is a lifelong resident of the region and he and his family moved to Athabasca in 1999. Robert has over 34 years experience in public service working for the Town of Athabasca. He served as Public Works and Utilities Foreman, Superintendent of Public Works and Utilities, and as Manager and CAO of the Athabasca Regional Multiplex Society. During those years he served under 13 different Town and County Councils. Robert attained a vast amount of valuable experience in those positions and with this unique combination of experience and proven community leadership he will serve the town well as Mayor.
Robert's goals as Mayor are to make Athabasca a great place to live, raise a family, own a business or retire!
Councillor Ida Edwards
Email: councilloredwards@athabasca.ca
Phone: 780-675-4524
Ida has lived in the greater Athabasca area throughout her life, most recently within the town of Athabasca.
Professionally, she has a Bachelor of Music degree in Voice from the University of Alberta. In the arts, a high level of precision and execution is expected in performance, and Ida brings this level of commitment to her service on Council.
She has a Business Administration Management certificate from Northern Lakes College and is working towards a diploma from Portage College. She participates in Toastmasters International communication and leadership programs and earned her Distinguished Toastmaster designation in 2021.
Ida has worked in the community as a music teacher and performer for many decades and is a small business owner. She has experience with event planning and program development and is active as a volunteer with a variety of local groups. She is an enthusiastic promoter of the Athabasca Communities in Bloom program.
Councillor Sara Graling
Email: councillorgraling@athabasca.ca
Phone: 780-327-9313
Sara was born in Athabasca. In fact, both she and her father were delivered by Dr. Josephine Brown! Sara grew up in small towns around Alberta and returned to Athabasca to graduate from Edwin Parr Composite School in 1997. She went on to the University of Alberta to obtain a Bachelor of Commerce degree, with an Accounting major, before returning to Athabasca in 2009.
Sara works for Athabasca County, where she was introduced to municipal governance and administration and learned of the central role that the Municipal Government Act plays in guiding the operation, planning and growth of municipalities.
Sara loves her community for many reasons, including the beauty of the location and access to natural spaces. She is grateful for a strong volunteer community, something she considers to be the core of a community. She encourages everyone to find ways to stay connected during these challenging COVID times.
Jonathan LeMessurier
Email: councillorlemessurier@athabasca.ca
Phone: 587-337-1448
A lifelong resident of Athabasca, Jon believes in giving back to the community that has provided him with so much. Having made many connections here, he believes that, through collaboration with others, he can help bring the community together to ensure that it is continually growing.
Jon works for Aspen Primary Care Network as an exercise professional, in addition to running his own personal fitness training business. He works with all ages to help educate, motivate, and support his clients to live an overall healthy lifestyle.
As a member of Town Council, Jon wants to do his part to ensure that the Town is moving forward with new ideas to attract a variety of individuals to come and reside in this beautiful community. He desires to become an effective Councillor and is passionate about serving the residents of Athabasca responsibly and with energy and integrity.
Councillor David Pacholok
Email: councillorpacholok@athabasca.ca
Phone: 780-689-7535
This is David's second consecutive term serving as a Town Councillor for the Town of Athabasca. The previous four years on Town Council have given him valuable insight and knowledge into the scope of time and effort required to effectively fulfil the duties of a Town Councillor.
A lifelong resident of Athabasca, he has developed a sincere appreciation for the many features and qualities that the town and the region have to offer to both residents and visitors.
Recently retired from business, David brings to Council an extensive background in private business and community volunteering.
Equipped with this comprehensive experience, he is dedicated to working hard to represent the Town of Athabasca and is committed to applying his skills and abilities towards the betterment of the community as a whole.
Councillor Darlene Reimer
Email: councillorreimer@athabasca.ca
Phone: 780-327-4432
Darlene joined Town Council following a by-election held in February 2023 to fill one vacant seat on Council. She brings a range of skills and experiences that she believes will enhance her service and value to the community.
Since arriving in Athabasca in 2010, Darlene feels the community has given her so much, including a sense of belonging and friendship, and she welcomes her role on Council as an opportunity to give back to the community.
Darlene’s professional experience includes a 35-year career in the field of banking and financial services where she served communities throughout four provinces and two territories and developed some beneficial qualities, including conflict resolution skills.
In Athabasca, Darlene is an active member of the Rotary Club, has been involved with the Magnificent River Rats Festival Society, and plans to continue as a mentor with the Athabasca Mentorship Program.
As a Town Councillor, a few items of particular interest and concern to her include the attraction and retention of Regional Health Care professionals, solutions to the challenges of homelessness in the community, and downtown core revitalization and Riverfront enhancement.
Darlene also wants to help foster a sense of connection and belonging among Athabascans and hopes to help share the story of the many features that this community has to offer.
Councillor Edith (Edie) Yuill
Email: councilloryuill@athabasca.ca
Phone: 780-284-6321
Edie moved to Athabasca in 2013 to finish a 40-year career with Alberta Transportation; she retired on June 30, 2021. Over the course of her career, she received prestigious awards such as two Premiers Awards of Excellence plus an Above and Beyond the Call of Duty award and many certificate awards of excellence. Additionally, she has a certificate in Business Administration and various other certificates for training achievements.
Prior to coming here, she served two terms on Barrhead Town Council and she gained valuable experience serving on a variety of groups and organizations in that community and provincially.
Before moving to Athabasca, Edie passed through the community many times and became enamoured with the scenery, the wildlife and the people she met.
Edie looks forward to working with Mayor Balay and fellow Councillors to create a cohesive team and serve the community to the best of her ability.